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PFS-Tropical Asia
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2018-10-09: Forest Ecosystems in Eastern Canada and Corresponding Hydrological Studies 18-10-08
2018-09-18:A comparative and functional genomic approach to the study of biodiversity of Cornus 18-09-17
2018-09-05: Foraging ecology of a colonial insectivorous bat, Chaerephon plicatus, in rice domina... 18-09-05
2018-08-28: Recurrent selection key for a participatory and efficient rice breeding 18-08-28
2018-08-21: An overview of bee nesting biology 18-08-20
2018-08-14: Benefits, cost, and tradeoff of defense mechanisms in Asian honey bee 18-08-13
2018-08-01: Discovery of new types and new structurally active natural products 18-07-31
2018-08-01: From geology to genomics: bringing ethnobotany to people using the Rutaceae (the oran... 18-07-31
2018-07-31: Divergence-With-Genetic Exchange - An Evolutionary Stimulus for Adaptive Change 18-07-30
2018-07-17: Human-nature interactions in seasonal tropical wetlands, past and present 18-07-17
2018-07-03: The diversity and evolution of pollination systems in the ANITA grade of earliest-div... 18-07-03
2018-07-03: From model organism research to ecology - lessons from nematodes and insects 18-07-02
2018-06-26: Patagonia's Fossil Rainforests and their Endangered Living Legacy 18-06-25
2018-06-19: Modeling ecosystem functions and services under climate and land use changes: from tr... 18-06-19
2018-06-11: Long-term ecosystem stability in contrasting grasslands of South Africa 18-06-11
2018-06-12: Orchid evolution insights from phylogenetics and population genetics 18-06-11
2018-05-29: Fossil evidence depicts ancestors of sweet potato are from East Gondwana 18-05-28
2018-05-22: Biotic and abiotic interactions in novel environments differ from the native range: i... 18-05-22
2018-05-22: Predicting benefits and risks of biological control of the invasive, allergy-inducing... 18-05-22
2018-05-21: A pan-tropical look at P limitations to plant photosynthesis and growth 18-05-21
2018-05-02: Flora and Fauna of South Eastern Rainforests of Ecuador 18-05-02
2018-04-24: Using interdisciplinary approach to combat emerging threats in forests - livestock gr... 18-04-24
2018-04-17: Investigating the biosynthesis of plant natural products: the examples of monoterpene... 18-04-17
2018-04-10: Projecting biome boundaries, functional diversity and human impacts in savannas – in... 18-04-10
2018-04-03: Status of Aichi Biodiversity Target 11 and strategies to facilitate the implementati... 18-04-02
2018-03-27: Using nuclear genes from transcriptomic datasets to investigate angiosperm phylogeni... 18-03-27
2018-03-13: The genome of Gnetum and early evolution of seed plants 18-03-12
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Xishuangbanna Tropical Botanical Garden, Chinese Academy of Sciences. Menglun, Mengla, Yunnan 666303, China
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