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PFS-Tropical Asia
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2012-05-08: Fossil woods from the Suifunskaya Formation of Pavlovskoe brown coal field (Southern ... 12-05-07
2012-04-24: China 2020: Ecological Impacts, Global Implications 12-04-23
2012-04-23: Turlough ecosystems: karst temporary lakes, their characteristics and ecology 12-04-23
2012-04-10: A New Flora of the Philippines: Reinventing Diversity Science 12-04-10
2012-03-20:Divided they stay: species coexistence in a community of mutualists and parasites 12-03-19
2012-03-13: Plant-insect interactions: evidence from fossil record 12-03-12
2012-03-06: Where British biodiversity is richest: conservation in the UK's Overseas Territories 12-03-05
2012-02-28:Cryopreservation of pomelo seeds from Xishuangbanna 12-02-28
2012-02-14: The Role of Botanical Gardens in Environmental Education: Problems and Potential 12-02-13
2012-02-07: Tree Rings and Palm Leaves: hydroclimate extremes over the past millennium in Southea... 12-02-06
2012-01-17:Thermal response of ecosystem to net radiation. 12-01-16
2012-01-10: Autonomous self-pollination and insect visitation in Ghost Orchid, Epipogium roseum. ... 12-01-09
2011-12-27: New Insights on the Evolution of Wild Roses: What Chinese Roses Tell Us 11-12-26
2011-12-27:Evolution of increasingly elaborate floral display in selfing bat flowers (Tacca): an ... 11-12-26
2011-12-22: Plant endocytosis and exocytosis 11-12-22
2011-12-20: Nature forests and rubber plantations in Xishuangbanna: can ecological compensation m... 11-12-19
2011-12-13:Shifting cultivation in the landscapes of Mainland Southeast Asia: a geoecological ass... 11-12-12
2011-12-08:To deflex or not: the dilemma of style deflexion in Passion flower 11-12-02
2011-12-06: Plant-microbe interactions facilitate host mineral nutrition in nutrient-poor environ... 11-12-06
2011-11-25: The Origin of the Asian Monsoon System: A Palaeobotanical Perspective 11-11-24
2011-11-22: Floristic composition and ecological characterisation of evergreen lowland forest ty... 11-11-21
2011-11-15: Fuzzy reproductive behavior greatly enhances species co-existence in highly diverse c... 11-11-14
November 14-19, 2011: The Fourth SEABG Director’s Meeting 11-11-13
2011-11-11: Effect of spatial connectivity and habitat heterogeneity on biodiversity, and consequ... 11-11-07
2011-11-08: Integrating and sharing biodiversity data online: museum science and international co... 11-11-07
2011-11-07:The distribution and diversity of phylogenetic and functional diversity in tropical tr... 11-11-04
2011-11-01: Genome sequence of an insect pathogenic fungus 11-10-31
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Xishuangbanna Tropical Botanical Garden, Chinese Academy of Sciences. Menglun, Mengla, Yunnan 666303, China
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