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PFS-Tropical Asia
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2021-08-24: They are talking! – stories from the studies on the interactions between Cuscuta (do... 21-08-23
2021-08-17: Climate Change and the Prospect of Plateau Characteristic Agriculture 21-08-16
2021-08-10: Why conservation science matters, and how to make it count? 21-08-10
2021-08-03: Amphibian conservation in increasingly urban environments 21-08-02
2021-07-27: National and Institutional Oligarchies of Academic Gatekeepers 21-07-26
2021-07-20: The weird and wonderful world of mycology 21-07-19
2021-07-13: How science can help inform policies and decisions on climate and biodiversity 21-07-13
2021-07-06: Growth of Northern Tibet Proved the Key to East Asian Vegetation and Plant diversity 21-07-06
2021-06-29: Lessons from a life in ecology and conservation 21-06-28
2021-06-22: Disentangling the community ecology mess 21-06-21
2021-06-15:Global patterns of plant diversity on islands - richness, endemism, threat 21-06-15
2021-06-08:A Summary of My Scientific Career 21-06-07
2021-06-01: How to be a ‘fungi’ and not a dead guy: a catalogue of 71 of the world’s deadliest... 21-05-31
2021-05-25: Chemical ecology of longhorned beetle: how pheromones can enhance monitoring, biodive... 21-05-25
2021-05-18: Seasonal reorganization of plankton communities in response to anthropogenic warming 21-05-17
2021-05-11: Conspecific negative density dependence: Origins, developments and debates 21-05-08
2021-04-27: Why we need a“wildlife ban”in China? 21-04-26
2021-04-20:Winter disaster and economic inequality among herders in Mongolia 21-04-20
2021-04-06: Biotic and abiotic drivers of subtropical forest regeneration – insights from Guangx... 21-04-06
2021-04-02: The fountain of life: how flowers drove the evolution and adaptation of honeybees 21-04-02
2021-03-30: Why trees are of the size that they are?? 21-03-30
2021-03-23: Linking field work to macroecological models to predict and prevent alien animal inva... 21-03-23
2021-03-16: Engineering crops for future CO2 21-03-15
2021-03-09: Livelihood effects of rubber boom and rubber bust in Xishuangbanna, SW China 21-03-09
2021-03-02: A“wishful thinking”on the Future Bryophyte Research in Yunnan 21-03-02
2021-02-23: Fifty shades of green alias where do the predators keep the plants flourish?? 21-02-23
2021-02-02:Developing a Rangeland Restoration Program- Assessment of Natural Capital and Carrying... 21-02-01
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Xishuangbanna Tropical Botanical Garden, Chinese Academy of Sciences. Menglun, Mengla, Yunnan 666303, China
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