Biodiversity conservation is crucial for sustainable development and for addressing major challenges such as climate change. Collaboration and partnership, among and within countries, is critical for addressing conservation-related issues and for sustainable development. The Sustainable Development Goals (SDG), Targets 2.3 and 3.4 of the Programme of Work on Mountain Biodiversity of the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD), and the Paris Agreement, all emphasize the importance of global and collective actions and concerted efforts, synergy, and partnerships among and within countries.
The Tropical Asia region is spreading over a dozen countries with contiguous ecosystems and habitats. This tropical region supports rich biodiversity and high endemism, is home to over one billion people, and faces massive pressure from rising population and rapid economic growth. There has been a steady increase in science and technological cooperation among tropical Asian countries, contributing to strong South-South cooperation over the past decades, with the Alliance of International Science Organizations (ANSO) itself being the result of such cooperation.
Building the institutional capacities of the research institutions, conservation agencies and development organizations including the decision-making bodies will be crucial for the successful implementation of the Post 2020 Global Biodiversity Framework and realization of the 2050 Vision. With the support of ANSO, we are going to hold a training course on Biodiversity Conservation and Sustainable Development in Tropical Asia. By sharing and discussing on conservation cases and sustainable development efforts in these areas, establish a network to enhance and strengthen the regional cooperations on biodiversity researches, conservation and sustainable development programmes, and build human resources for more effective and fruitful science cooperation between China and the regional countries.
2. Objectives
The objective of this training course is to enhance and strengthen the capacities of the scientific institutions, conservation agencies and development organizations in tropical Asian countries in carrying out biodiversity researches, conservation and sustainable development programmes. The training will help to build human resources for more effective and fruitful science cooperation between China and the regional countries.
3.Training contents
The training course is composed of two parts, indoor lectures with outdoor field trips. Participants will be provided a chance not only to exchange face to face with experts in biodiversity, conservation and sustainable development, but also to exchange with each other and establishing linkages for cross-border learnings.Theoretical lectures: a series of presentations and talks will be delivered by senior and experienced experts to impart the participants on the up-to-date understanding of biodiversity of the Tropical Asia region, new tools, techniques, and technologies in biodiversity researches, monitoring and conservation and regional experiences in the sustainable use of biological resources for socioeconomic development.Practical course: field study and 2 field trips will be organized for the participants to the conservation plots and sustainable development project sites supported by XTBG.
4.Target participants
25-30 participants, including students, youth researchers, managers etc. engaged in research and work related to ecology, conservation biology and sustainable development in tropical Asian countries.
5.Training language
6.Training date and time
June 14 - 20, 2023 (UTC/GMT+08:00)
7. Venue
8. On site: Xishuangbanna Tropical Botanical Garden, Chinese Academy of Sciences (XTBG),Menglun, Mengla, Xishuangbanna, Yunnan 666303, P. R. China
Online: ZOOM (Lectures and talks will be broadcasted through ZOOM. The meeting ID will be released before the training starts)
Please apply the training through the following link or QR code (all applications are requested to submitted before 15:00 May 20th, 2023 (UTC/GMT+08:00)
Registration link:https://www.wjx.top/vm/rd9YJQ1.aspx# , or scan the QR code below:

Registration fee: Free (both online and onsite);
Transportation and accommodation are self-care (onsite).
Lunch and dinner during the training course are provided by the organizers.
XIA Xue 夏雪
Training supervisor, XTBG
Tel: +86 691 8716600
E-mail: xiaxue@xtbg.org.cn
JIN Wei 金薇
Capacity Building Manager, INBAR
Tel: +86 10 6470 6205
E-mail: wjin@inbar.int