From July 22 – August 5, a training course on advanced techniques in Frugivory and Seed Dispersal was organized by XTBG in Xishuangbanna and Ailaoshan. The aim of the training course was to provide a broad introduction to methods of studying frugivory and seed dispersal, from field observations and seed traps, to radio technology and molecular techniques,etc. The lecturers of the training course were Dr. Chen Jin of XTBG, professor of the University of Hong Kong, Dr. David Westcott and Dr. Denise Hardesty of Australian Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization (CSIRO), Dr. Catherine Moran of Australian University of Griffith. They delivered 16 lectures according to their research domains, which covered the most recent development progress in the studies on frugivory and seed dispersal. The tight schedules required the participating trainees to carry out independent research projects with the emphasis on practical techniques and their application to problems in ecology and conservation management. Under guidance of the trainers, all participating students completed their projects successfully. Dispersal of seeds by frugivorous (fruit-eating) animal is an important ecological progress that has attracted increasing interest by researchers and conservation mangers over the past few decades. The training course brought together 22 students from India, Thailand, Japan, Sri Lanka, Malaysia, Spain, USA and Beijng Institute of Zoology, Yunnan University and Xishuangbanna Tropical Botanical Garden (XTBG) to participate in. The workshop may promote research on frugivorous animals and seed dispersal in China, even among Asian regions.