A work conference on the project of ADB-GMS-Xishuangbanna Biodiversity Conservation Corridors was recently organized by Xishuangbanna Prefecture Government. The meeting brought together officials, experts and personnel of implementing agencies of the program.
Project progress and achievements over the past one year were reported at the meeting. After completing expert and policy consultations respectively, Prof. Ma Youxin and Prof. Zhu Hua made reports on the plan of corridors construction and feasibility of establishing Mengsong Nature Reserve. After discussion the participants reached common sense and put forward advice.
The Program Management Office is to submit meeting minutes to the prefecture government to get approval for the boundaries of biodiversity conservation corridors.
Significant achievements have been made since the implementation of ADB-GMS-Xishuangbanna Biodiversity Conservation Corridors. The Project has had a remarkable influence both domestically and internationally.

ADB-GMS-Xishuangbanna Biodiversity Conservation Corridors