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ADB Evaluation Mission to GMS-BCI Xishuangbanna
Author: Ai Chongrui
ArticleSource: Information Center
Update time: 2008-05-27
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Recently coordinators and specialists of Asian Development Bank (ADB) had investigation and evaluation on the project of ADB-GMS-Xishuangbanna Biodiversity Conservation Corridors. The results were satisfying.

On May 17, Mr. Hasan Moinuddin, Coordinator for the BCI who is based in ADB Environment Operations Center (EOC) led a four-person group to Xishuangbanna and had field visit to Mohan for trans-boundary biodiversity conservation in China and Laos.

On May 18, Mr. Hasan Moinuddin visited two villages beside the target biodiversity conservation corridors, checked the operation of revolving fund at village levels and forest restoration as well.

Dr. Hasan Moinuddin


On May 19, Mr. Hasan Moinuddin listened to work report on the advances of the project, and exchanged ideas with Dr. Chen Jin at XTBG.



On May 20, Dr. Mala Hettige, principal evaluation specialist of ADB Operations Evaluation Department, came to XTBG to assess the operation of ADB-GMS-Xishuangbanna Biodiversity Conservation Corridors project.


Dr. Hu Huabin, project manager, reported the implementation  progress of the project in detail on May 21. Dr. Mala Hettige met and held talks with Dr. Chen Jin. Afterwards, Dr. Mala Hettige toured some living collections within XTBG.


Dr. Mala Hettige



Both ADB officials and specialists were satisfied with the achievements made in the ADB-GMS-Xishuangbanna Biodiversity Conservation Corridors project.


Xishuangbanna Tropical Botanical Garden, Chinese Academy of Sciences. Menglun, Mengla, Yunnan 666303, China
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