At the 90th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China (CPC) on July 1st, a red song contest was held at XTBG to celebrate the birthday.
Participated by all staff, students, and leaders at the headquarters, the contest was a good opportunity for gathering and expressing the patriotism and emotions.

Representatives from research divisions

Department of gardening and landscaping


Department od public education and tourism

representaives of the staff

Representavies of the administration departments

Representatives of the logistics and development dapartments

Mr. Li Hongwei confers award to 2nd prize winner

Dr. Zhou Zhekun confers award to 3rd prize winner

Dr. Li Qingjun and other recongnition ward winners
The post graduate students won the first prize.

Post graduate students performing

Dr. Chen Jin confers award to the first prize winner
Interestingly, some foreign scientists together with their families performed at the party, also celebrating CPC's 90th birthday.

Foreign scientists perform at the party
About “Red song” refers to the pro-revolutionary songs that were popular during the country's revolution, reconstruction and reform period, said a professor with the Central Conservatory of Music. It also includes elements that represent happiness, harmony, being positive and healthy. The term is actually quite inclusive.” The songs are all contemporary works, and include “Country,” performed by Hong Kong film star Jackie Chan and mainland singer Liu Yuanyuan in praise of the ties between every household and the fate of the entire country.