Head of the Group: Prof. Dr. YU Diqiu
Website: http://mbg.groups.xtbg.ac.cn/
E-mail: ydq@xtbg.ac.cn
Tel: 86 871-65178133

1.Xiaoli Li, Huimin Zhang, Qin Ai, Gang Liang*,and Diqiu Yu* Two bHLH Transcription Factors,bHLH34 and bHLH104, RegulateIron Homeostasisin Arabidopsisthaliana
Plant Physiology . 2016 April , Vol.170, pp.2478 – 2493 http://www.plantphysiol.org/cgi/doi/10.1104/pp.15.01827
2.Liang G,Zhang HM ,Lou DJ, YU DQ* Selection of highly efficient sgRNAs for CRISPR/Cas9-based plant genome editing Scientific Reports. 2016 Feb Vol. 6 pp.21451 http://www.nature.com/scien tificreports
3.Wang HP, Hu YR,Yu DQ. (2015) Arabidopsis VQ motif-containing proteins VQ12 and VQ29 negatively modulate basal defense against Botrytis cinerea.
Scientific Reports. 5:14185 | DOi: 10.1038/srep14185. http://www.nature.com/scientificreports
4.Liang G, Ai Q, Yu DQ. (2015) Uncovering miRNAs involved in crosstalk between nutrient deficiencies in Arabidopsis. Scientific Reports. 5:11813 | DOI: 10.1038/srep11813. http://www.nature.com/scientificreports
5.Sun YD , Yu DQ*. (2015) Activated expression of AtWRKY53 negatively regulates drought tolerance by mediating stomatal movement. Plant Cell Reports.34:1295-1306. http://www.springer.com
6.Jiang YJ, Diqiu Yu*. WRKY transcription factors: links between phytohormones and plant processes. Science China-Life Sciences, 2015, 58(5):501–502. 2014 http://www.frontiersin.org
7.Hu YR, Yu DQ*. BRASSINOSTEROID INSENSITIVE2 Interacts with ABSCISIC ACID INSENSITIVE5 to Mediate the Antagonism of Brassinosteroids to Abscisic Acid during Seed Germination in Arabidopsis. Plant Cell. 2014. 26: 4394–4408. http://www.plantcell.org
8.Liang G, He H, Li Y, Ai Q, Yu DQ. (2014) MYB82 functions in regulation of trichome development in Arabidopsis. Journal of Experimental Botany. 65:3215-3223. http://jxb.oxfordjournals.org
9.Liu L, Zhang J, Adrian J, Gissot L, Coupland G, Yu D, Turck F. Elevated levels of MYB30 in the phloem accelerate flowering in Arabidopsis through the regulation of flowering locus T. PLoS One. 25;9(2):e89799. doi: 10.1371/ http://www.plosone.org/
10.Jiang Y, Liang G, Yang SZ, Yu DQ*. Arabidopsis WRKY57 Functions as a Node of Convergence for Jasmonic Acid– and Auxin-Mediated Signaling in Jasmonic Acid–Induced Leaf Senescence. Plant Cell. 2014. 26: 230-245. http://www.plantcell.org
11.He H, Liang G*, Li Y, Wang F, Yu DQ*. Two Young MicroRNAs Originating from Target Duplication Mediate Nitrogen Starvation Adaptation via Regulation of Glucosinolate Synthesis in Arabidopsis thaliana. Plant Physiology. 2014. 164: 853- 865. http:// www.plantphysiol.org
12.Liang G, He H, Li Y, Wang F, Yu DQ*. Molecular mechanism of miR396 mediating pistil development in Arabidopsis thaliana. Plant Physiology. 2014. 164: 249-258. http:// www.plantphysiol.org
13.Hu YR, Jiang LQ, Wang F, and Yu DQ*. Jasmonate Regulates the INDUCER OF CBF EXPRESSION–C-REPEAT BINDING FACTOR/DRE BINDING FACTOR1 Cascade and Freezing Tolerance in Arabidopsis. Plant Cell. 2013. 25(8):2907-2924. http://www.plantcell.org
14.Liang G, Li Y,He H, Wang F, and Yu DQ*. Identification of miRNAs and miRNA-mediated regulatory pathways in Carica papaya. Planta. 2013. 238: 739-752 http://link.springer.com
15.Chen LG, Zhang LP, Li DB, Wang F, and Yu DQ*. WRKY8 transcription factor functions in the TMV-cg defense response by mediating both ABA and ethylene signaling in Arabidopsis. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of USA. 2013. 110(21):E1963-71. doi: 10.1073/pnas.1221347110.
16.Hu YR, Chen LG, Wang HP, Zhang LP, Wang F, and Yu DQ*. Arabidopsis transcription factor WRKY8 functions antagonistically with its interacting partner VQ9 to modulate salinity stress tolerance. The Plant Journal. 2013. 74(5):730-745 http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com
17.Liang G, He H and Yu DQ*. Identification of nitrogen starvation-responsive microRNAs in Arabidopsis thaliana. PLoS ONE 7(11): e48951. doi:10.1371/ journal.pone.0048951 [download]
18.Jiang YJ, Liang G, and Yu DQ*. Activated expression of WRKY57 confers drought tolerance in Arabidopsis. Molecular Plant. 5(6):1375-1388. http://mplant.oxfordjournals.org
19.Rice WRKY Working Group. Nomenclature report on rice WRKY’s – Conflict regarding gene names and its solution. Rice 2012, 5:3 [Download]
20.Liang G, He H, Li Y, and Yu DQ*. A new strategy for construction of artificial miRNA vectors in Arabidopsis. Planta. 2012. 235: 1421-1429. [Download]
21.Hu YR, Dong QY, and Yu DQ*. Arabidopsis WRKY46 coordinates with WRKY70 and WRKY53 in basal resistance against pathogen Pseudomonas syringae. Plant Science, 2012, 185-186: 288-297. [Download]
22.Chen LG, Song YU, Li SJ, Zou CS and Yu DQ*. The role of WRKY transcription factors in plant abiotic stresses. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta. 2012, 1819: 120-128. [Download]
23. Li SJ, Fu QT, Chen LG, Huang WD, Yu DQ*. Arabidopsis thaliana WRKY25, WRKY26, and WRKY33 coordinate induction of plant thermotolerance. Planta, 2011, 233: 1237-1252. [Download]
24.Zhou X, Jiang YJ, Yu DQ*. WRKY22 transcription factor mediates dark-induced leaf senescence in Arabidopsis. Molecules and Cells, 2011, 31: 303-313. [Download]
25.Zou CS, Li ZF, Yu DQ*. Bacillus megaterium Strain XTBG34 Promotes Plant Growth by Producing 2-Pentylfuran. The Journal of Microbiology, 2010, 48: 460-466. [Download]
26.Zou CS, Jiang WB, Yu DQ*. Male gametophyte-specific WRKY34 transcription factor mediates cold sensitivity of mature pollen in Arabidopsis. Journal of Experimental Botany, 2010, 61: 3901-3914 [Download]
27.Changsong Zou and Diqiu Yu*. Analysis of the Cold-Responsive Transcriptome in the Mature Pollen of Arabidopsis. Journal of Plant Biology, 2010, 52: 475-481.[Download]
28.Liang G, Yu DQ*. Reciprocal regulation among miR395, APS and SULTR2;1 in Arabidopsis thaliana. Plant Signaling & Behavior. 2010. DOI: 10.4161/psb.5.10.12608.
29.Song Y, Chen LG, Zhang LP, Yu DQ*. Overexpression of OsWRKY72 gene interferes in the abscisic acid signal and auxin transport pathway of Arabidopsis. JOURNAL OF BIOSCIENCES, 2010. 35: 459-471.[Download]
30.Liang G, Yang FX, Yu DQ*. MicroRNA395 Mediates Regulation of Sulfate Accumulation and Allocation in Arabidopsis thaliana. Plant Journal, 2010, 62: 1046-1057.[Download]
31.Li SJ, Zhou X, Chen LG, Fu QT, Huang WD, Yu DQ*. Functional characterization of Arabidopsis thaliana WRKY39 in heat stress. Molecules and Cells, 2010, 29: 475-483.
32.Ren XJ, Huang WD, Li WZ, Yu DQ*. Tobacco WRKY4 Transcription Factor is a Modulator of Disease Resistance and Leaf Development. BIOLOGIA PLANTARUM, 2010, 54:684-690.
33.Chen LG, Zhang LP, Yu DQ*.Wounding-induced WRKY8 is involved in basal defense in Arabidopsis. Molecular Plant-Microbe Interactions,2010,23:558-565.
34.Fu QT, Li SJ, Yu DQ*. Identification of an Arabidopsis Nodulin-related protein in heat stress. 2010, Molecules and Cells, 2010, 29: 1-10.
35.Song Y, Jing SJ, Yu DQ*. Overexpression of the Stress-induced OsWRKY08 Improves the Osmotic Stress Tolerance in Arabidopsis. Chinese Science Bulletin,2009, 54: 4671-4678.
36.Song Y, Jing SJ, Yu DQ*. Research Progress on Function analysis of Rice WRKY genes. Chinese Journal of Rice Science(中国水稻科学),2009, 23(5): 447-455.
37.Jiang WB, Yu DQ*. Arabidopsis WRKY2 transcription factor mediates seed germination and postgermination arrest of development by abscisic acid. BMC Plant Biology, 2009, 9:96.
38.Yang FX, Liang G, Liu DM, Yu DQ*. Arabidopsis MiR396 Mediates the Development of Leaf and Flower in Transgenic Tobacco. Journal of Plant Biology, 2009, 52:475-481.
Yang FX, Yu DQ*. Drought tolerance in transgenic tobacco overexpressing miR396. Acta Botanica Yunnanica (云南植物研究), 2009, 31:421-426.
Jiang WB, Yu DQ*. Arabidopsis WRKY2 Transcription Factor may be Involved in Osmotic Stress Response. Acta Botanica Yunnanica(云南植物研究), 2009, 31 (5) : 427-432.
Liu DM, Yang FX, Yu DQ*. Overexpression of miR396 miRNAs Caused Flower Stigma curved in Arabidopsis. Acta Botanica Yunnanica(云南植物研究), 2009, 31: 353-356 .
Liu RH, Jiang WB, Yu DQ*.The Response of AtCER to Oxidative Stress in ( Arabidopsis thaliana). Acta Botanica Yunnanica(云南植物研究), 2009, 31 (4) : 326-334.
39.Jing SJ,Zhou X,Song Y, Yu DQ*. Heterologous Expression of OsWRKY23 Gene Enhances Pathogen Defense and Cell Senescence in Arabidopsis. Plant Growth Regulation,2009, 58: 181–190.
40.Liu DM, Song Y, Chen ZX, Yu DQ*. Ectopic Expression of miRNA396 Suppresses GRF Target Gene Expression and Alters Leaf Growth in Arabidopsis. Physiologia Plantarum,2009, 136: 223–236.
41.Li SJ , Fu QT, Huang WD, Yu DQ*. Transcription Factor WRKY25 Is a Positive Regulator during Heat Stress in Arabidopsis. Plant Cell Reports.2009, 28(4): 683-669.
42.Liu DM, Yu DQ*. miR396 Negatively Regulates Expression of Ceramidase-like Genes in Arabidopsis. Progress in Natural Science, 2009,19:781–785.
43.Qiu YP, Yu DQ*. Overexpression of the Stress-Induced OsWRKY45 Enhances Disease Resistance and Drought Tolerance in Arabidopsis. Environmental & Experimental Botany, 2009, 65: 35–47.
Yu Song, Dongmei Liu and Diqiu Yu*. Overexpression of OsWRKY72 gene causes auxin signaling passway in Arabidopsis. Acta Botanica Yunnaica(云南植物研究), 2008, 30(6):699-705.
Xi-Bing Jiang, Diqiu Yu*. 2008, Expression Profile of Peptide5 and Peptide6 in Arabidopsis. Hereditas (遗传), 2008, 30: 1615-1621.
Fei Tang, Gang Liang, and Diqiu Yu*. Clone and Function Prediction of 6 Novel Small RNAs in Arabidopsis. Acta Botanica Yunnanica(云南植物研究), 2008, 30(5): 570-576.
Lu Li, Qiantang Fu, Diqiu Yu*. An effective protocol for the isolation of RNA from cycad leaves. Acta Botanica Yunnanica, (云南植物研究) 2008, 30(5):593-596.
Xibing Jiang and Diqiu Yu*. Peptide Hormones in Plants. Acta Botanica Yunnanica(云南植物研究), 2008 , 30: 333-339.
Before 2007
Diqiu Yu*,Ligang Chen and Liping Zhang. Transcription Factor WRKY Superfamily: Origin, Structure and Function. Acta Botanica Yunnanica(云南植物研究), 2006, 28(1): 69-77. (* Correspondence author)
Yuping Qiu, Shaojun Jing, Jian Fu, Lu Li and Diqiu Yu*. Cloning and analysis of expression profile of 13 WRKY genes in rice. Chinese Science Bulletin, 2004, 49(20): 2159-2168.
Diqu Yu, Baofang Fan, Stuart R. MacFarlane and Zhixiang Chen. Functional analysis of an inducible Arabidopsis RNA-dependent RNA polymerase in antiviral defense. Molecular Plant-Microbe Interaction, 2003, 16(3):206-216.
Diqiu Yu, Chunhong Chen and Zhixiang Chen. Evidence for an Important Role of WRKY DNA Binding Proteins in the Regulation of NPR1 Gene Expression. Plant Cell, 2001, 13: 1527-1540.
Diqiu Yu, Zhixin Xie, Chunhong Chen, Baofang Fan and Zhixiang Chen: Expression of tobacco class II catalase gene activates the endogenous homologous gene and is associated with disease resistance in transgenic potato plants. Plant Molecular Biology, 1999, 39:477-488.
Diqiu Yu, Yidong Liu, Baofang Fan, Daniel F. klessig, and Zhixiang Chen. Is the high basal level of salicylic acid important for disease resistance in potato? Plant Physiology, 1997, 115:343-349.
Diqiu Yu, Chuan Cen, Baojian Li and Jiarui Fu. Systemic acquired disease resistance and signal transduction in plant. Acta Botanica Sinica, 1999,41: 115-124.
Diqiu Yu, Chuan Cen, Minglan Yang and Baojian Li. Studies on the salicylic acid inducted lipid peroxidation and defense gene expression in tobacco cell culture. Acta Botanica Sinica, 1999, 41 (9): 977-983.
Diqiu Yu, Chuan Cen, Minglan Yang and Baojian Li. Tissue variance of salicylic acid-sensitive catalase and enhancement of disease resistance with exogenous salicylic acid in maize. Acta Botanica Sinica,1999,41 (12): 1293-1298.