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New species of buckwheat family reported from Dabie Mountains, central China
Author: Wei Yiming
Update time: 2025-03-24
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Persicaria is one of the largest genera in the buckwheat family (Polygonaceae) and belongs to the tribe Persicarieae. Species Persicaria have a combination of characteristic features, including: usually glabrous stems without prickles, lanceolate simple leaves, tubular ocreae typically with truncate and ciliate apex, spicate inflorescences with few to many flowers, styles that are not deflexed and have a hooked apex, and Persicaria-type pollen grains with 20 circular pores and a reticulum.

During field surveys in the Dabie Mountains of central China from 2022 to 2023, researchers encountered several populations of an unknown Persicaria plant at the summit of Tiantangzhai Peak in Yingshan County of Hubei Province, which is morphologically remarkable in having dense spreading hairs throughout and a small ring of green, leaf-like wing at the apex of the ocrea . Based on its lanceolate leaves with broadly cuneate to rounded bases, spicate inflorescences, ciliate ocreae, and the absence of prickles, the researchers confirmed that it is a member of the Persicaria.

After thorough morphological comparisons with congeneric taxa, a review of relevant literature, and examination of herbarium specimens, the researchers confirmed that this plant represents a new, previously undescribed species of Persicaria, namely P. zhenaiguoi. The new species was published in PhytoKeys.

Persicaria zhenaiguoi is dedicated to Prof. ZHENG Aiguo, in recognition of his significant contributions to the study of the local flora and biodiversity in Yingshan County.

Persicaria zhenaiguoi is an annual herb. It is morphologically similar to P. orientalis and P. viscosa in the indumentum characteristic, but can be clearly distinguished from the latter two taxa by its nearly sessile leaves, which are lanceolate in shape with broadly cuneate to rounded bases, membranous ocrea with a small circle of green leaf-like wing, sparse and interrupted inflorescences, glabrous peduncles, greenish tepals, and ovoid achenes with grooved surfaces.

Persicaria zhenaiguoi can be found above an altitude of 1.600 m, in the moist grassland at the summit of Tiantangzhai Peak, one of the main peaks of the Dabie Mountains. It has only been discovered from its type locality in the Tiantangzhai Peak of the Dabie Mountains.

The researchers categorized its conservation status as critically endangered following IUCN Red List Categories.


Habitat and morphology of Persicaria zhenaiguoi Bo Li, sp. nov. A habitat B habit C stem D adaxial view of leaf blade E abaxial view of leaf blade F ocrea (the red arrow shows the green leaf-like wing) G inflorescence H achene I roots (photographed by Dr. Xin-Xin Zhu)。


LI Bo Ph.d Principal Investigator

Center for Integrative Conservation, Xishuangbanna Tropical Botanical Garden, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Mengla, 666303 China

E-mail: hanbolijx@xtbg.ac.cn 

First published: 25 February 2025

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Xishuangbanna Tropical Botanical Garden, Chinese Academy of Sciences. Menglun, Mengla, Yunnan 666303, China
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