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News Updates
Chen Jin lectures at “Botanical Garden Development and Management” Training Course 17-09-12
New plant species discovered along China-Myanmar border 17-09-04
China-Myanmar friendship forest project completed 17-09-02
Chen Jin invited as chief scientific communication expert of CAST 17-08-31
CAS to set up biodiversity office in Laos 17-08-23
Epiphytic bryophytes evaluated as bio-indicators of nitrogen pollution in subtropical forest 17-08-17
Chinese botanical gardens enlarge plant conservation area 17-08-15
XTBG Summer Camp 2017 for Outstanding College Students completed 17-08-08
XTBG presents at XIX International Botanical Congress 17-07-31
2,584 rare species preserved by China’s botanical gardens 17-08-02
CUBG and BGCI join hands to conserve plant diversity worldwide 17-07-28
CUBG and BGCI join hands to promote capacity building of botanical gardens 17-07-26
Science teachers training course held at XTBG 17-07-24
“Eco-cultural” Perspectives for Green Building Design and Built Heritage Conservation 17-07-18
The Second Luosuo River Science Education Forum opens 17-07-14
XTBG presents at 6th Global Botanic Gardens Congress 17-07-04
Rubber–based agroforestry systems are useful to maximize utilization of land and water resources 17-07-03
XTBG and Yunnan University jointly set “Elite Class for Ecology Studies” 17-06-22
CUBG plant identification and classification training course 2017 completed in Shanghai 17-06-23
XTBG seeks further cooperation with Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute 17-06-21
CAS-SEABRI Directorate meets to discuss future work 17-06-19
Graduation Ceremony 2017 17-06-19
A 25-ha forest plot to be jointly established by XTBG and Thailand 17-06-08
Tree thieves planted behind bars 17-06-14
The giant corpse flower blooms at Xishuangbanna Tropical Botanical Garden 17-06-02
Biodiversity investigation 2017 in Myanmar completed 17-06-02
MoU signed between Central University of Punjab and XTBG 17-06-02
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Xishuangbanna Tropical Botanical Garden, Chinese Academy of Sciences. Menglun, Mengla, Yunnan 666303, China
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