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PFS-Tropical Asia
   Location: Home > Research > Research Progress
Research Progress
Iron deficiency delays flowering of Arabidopsis under long days 21-05-27
Moisture is key factor affecting seed germination of two pine species in Yunnan 21-05-21
Rubber-based agroforestry decreases abundance and richness of ground arthropods 21-05-13
Seven new species of Begonia found in Myanmar 21-05-12
Coexisting plants of different growth forms differ in their stem and leaf traits 21-05-08
New species and generic record of Amblyanthus reported from Medog, Tibet 21-04-29
Dynamic conservation strategies are urgently needed to protect habitats of rare and endangered pl... 21-04-27
New species of Meiogyne genus in custard apple family reported in Yunnan 21-04-23
Nasonov gland pheromone in Asian honey bees stimulates removal of dead adult bees 21-04-19
Floral heat production plays an important role in successful reproduction of Alocasia odora 21-04-15
Collaborative transboundary conservation enforcement is urgently needed 21-04-13
How can architectural traits explain structural evolution of Euphorbia? 21-04-08
Pollinator host-switches and fig hybridization dominate fig–wasp coevolution 21-02-03
Nitrification is predominant microbial process of N2O production in situ in tropical forest 21-04-02
Plastome sequences only partially improve species discrimination in Lauraceae 21-03-30
Conversion of natural forest to rubber plantation decreases methane sink strength significantly 21-03-26
Edible yellow chanterelles com-monly sold in mushroom markets of Yunnan are Cantharellus yunnanensis 21-03-23
New species of Dendrobium orchid found in Indonesia 21-03-19
New species of mint family found in northern Myanmar 21-03-17
First Chinese record of web-loving bug family Plokiophilidae reported from Xishuangbanna 21-03-11
Most fern species in Xishuangbanna considered being rare 21-03-10
Soft rot fungi and saprotrophs better explain loss of wood specific gravity in tropical forest 21-03-08
Topography dominates N2O emissions and CH4 uptake in tropical rainforest catchments 21-03-03
New species of mustard family of flowering plants found in Hengduan mountains 21-02-25
Key regulator of lateral organ size of legume plants determined 21-02-24
Soil quality index for rubber plantations in tropical China computed 21-02-19
Reconstruction of teak tree rings reveals precipitation variations in monsoon regions of Myanmar 21-02-09
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Xishuangbanna Tropical Botanical Garden, Chinese Academy of Sciences. Menglun, Mengla, Yunnan 666303, China
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