Title: Language barriers in biodiversity conservation: consequences and solutions
Speaker: Tatsuya Amano University of Queensland
Time: 5:00-6:30 PM, March 5, 2024
ZOOM ID: 312 430 8960
PW: 666666
The issue of language barriers has long been recognised in scientific communities. Historically, this issue has been perceived as the “English” barrier faced primarily by non-native English speakers, resulting in the lack of a concerted effort to solve the problem from within scientific communities. However, recent advances in research on language barriers in science have revealed that this is a multi-faceted problem that can severely hinder the advance of science and its contribution to addressing global challenges including the biodiversity crisis.
In this presentation, Tatsuyo Amano will discuss how language barriers can impede evidence-based conservation of global biodiversity in three major ways: barriers to (1) the global synthesis of scientific evidence scattered across different languages, (2) the application of English-language evidence to local decision making in countries where English is not widely spoken, and (3) the generation of scientific evidence by non-native English speakers.

Speaker: Tatsuya Amano, UQ Amplify Senior Lecturer, School of the Environment, Deputy Director - Research, Centre for Biodiversity and Conservation Science, The University of Queensland, Australia
Tatsuya is working on understanding changes in global biodiversity and providing scientific evidence for its conservation. Through his work and his background as a conservation scientist originally from Japan, he has become increasingly interested in, and is committed to, unveiling the importance and consequences of language barriers in conservation and more broadly in science.
Please note:
1. This Webinar is half an hour later than usual;
2. If you want to attend the seminar on Zoom kindly register with the link below. Please make sure you register to get the information for zoom attendance. Otherwise please use Koushare livestream.
Zoom registration link: https://us06web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZIuf-CoqjoqE9Nfb3BBb9OWCD8rK7-rtvUK
Kou-share Academy Livestream (no registration needed): https://www.koushare.com/lives/room/499342
Previous webinar recordings are available on the Integrative Conservation journal website (Integrative Conservation Webinar Series (wiley.com)).