72 rare and ornamental fern species are on display at the Shade Plant Garden of Xishuangbanna Tropical Botanical Garden (XTBG) from January 22 on. The fern exhibition, themed with “the serene beauty of ferns”, is held to greet the Chinese New Year. Numerous rare and important ornamental ferns, totaling 72 species in 34 genera of 19 families are on greeting visitors, allowing them to appreciate the beauty of these non-flowering plants up close. In the exhibition hall of the Shade Plant Garden of XTBG, various ferns are lush and diverse in height, showcasing their unique beauty and charm. “This exhibition provides a platform for visitors to learn about ferns but also allows everyone to feel the magic and wonder of nature,” said the organizer. XTBG has been engaged in the introduction and conservation of fern plants since its establishment in 1959. It currently has a fern garden of 12 mu, collecting and preserving over 1,400 accessions in 500 fern species, with various rare and endangered species like Christensenia aesculifolia, Angiopteris sparsisora, Sphaeropteris hainanensis, etc. The fern exhibition will last from January 22 to February 28. Come and enjoy the serene beauty of ferns at the Shade Plant Garden of XTBG. 
Fern exhibition. 
Fern exhibition. 
Fern exhibition. 
Fern exhibition.