On May 19, a 17-person delegation of Maejo University Chiang Mai, Thailand, headed up by its vice president Assoc. Prof. Arkmon Kanjanaphachot, paid a visit to XTBG. Prof. Chen Jin, director of XTBG, met and held talks with the delegation.
Dr. Chen Jin gave an overall introduction of the Garden on scientific research, species preservation, public education, development of economic plants, and personnel development to the delegation. The two sides reviewed the cooperation programs and personnel exchanges after the signing of cooperation agreement in 2004. Assoc. Prof. Arkmon Kanjanaphachot hoped that further and deeper cooperation will be carried out in the future.
After talks with Dr. Chen Jin, the delegation looked around the facilities and living plant collections of the Garden.
Since September 2004, XTBG and Maejo University have exchanged personnel in landscape designing and a batch of planning has been accomplished.
