Christisonia siamensis Craib is reported as a new record species to China.A morphological description of the species was given based on the newly discoverd population,which grew under the tropicalr ainforest at an altitude of 750 m.The main difference between C.hookeri Clarke is:calyx whitish or yellowish,sometimes dark purple,tubular,with distinct delta-shaped calyx teeth,coroll along tubular,5 lobed,purple,lobes bluish to violet with a yellow patch on the middle of the lower lip stretching down the interior of the tube.Filaments glabrous,anther 1-celled, massed together;1 pair of ten prominently spurred;spur with an obvious conical projection at the tip;dehiscence by apicalpore. 
Habitats and plants 
Habitats and plants 
Habitats and plants 
Flowers with yellow patch 
Lateral of flowers Christisonia siamensis Craib,a newly recorded species of Christisonia from China |