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Graduation celebration 2024
Author: Ai Chongrui
Update time: 2024-06-24
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This year, the commencement ceremony of Xishuangbanna Tropical Botanical Garden (XTBG) fell on June 18. Over 200 mentors, graduates, and parent representatives jointly witnessed this significant moment. 

Following the tradition of their alumni, the outgoing graduates in their academic gowns and their teachers planted a tree of Dipterocarpus retusus, a national first-class protected plant, for memory in the Student Forest. This is the 19th tree planted by XTBG graduates.   

At 3:00 in the afternoon on June 18, teachers and graduates dressed up in their best attire, walked hand in hand on the red carpet, and signed their names on the graduation signature wall. The graduation ceremony began with the national anthem, and it was presided over by Prof. Chen Jianghua, vice chairman of XTBG Academic Degree Committee. 

Prof. Quan Ruichang, deputy director of XTBG, congratulated all graduates and thanked all supervisors and staff for their hard work, as well as the support and encouragement from the parents of the graduates. He encouraged the graduates to adhere to lifelong learning, pay attention to moral cultivation, and be brave in taking responsibility, promoting social development with an innovative spirit.  

As teacher representative, Prof. Chen Zhanqi used the metaphor of a gardener and plants to explain the teacher-student relationship, emphasizing that setbacks on the path of scientific research are inevitable paths to growth, and encouraging graduates to actively contribute in their future positions. 

The speeches delivered by the graduate representatives were filled with deep emotions, reflecting their growth journey at XTBG. Dr. Xu Xiaoting regarded "self-awareness and perseverance" as her greatest gain. Dr. Arisa Kaewmano interpreted her research journey with "accumulated effort". Master's graduate Yuan Chao depicted the rich academic atmosphere of XTBG in poetic language, showcasing the students' thoughts and growth in the tropical rainforest.  

At the degree awarding ceremony, Prof. Quan Ruichang adjusted the tassels for each graduate. 

The graduation and degree awarding ceremony closed with all participants singing Our Garden, Our Home. Outstanding graduates were praised at the ceremony.   

The graduation celebration ended with a farewell evening party themed "Rooted in the hot soil, gazing at the blue clouds", filled with cheers and applause. 



The graduation ceremony. 


Teachers and graduates walk hand in hand on the red carpet 


Graduation and degree awarding ceremony. 


Cheer for graduation. 



Teachers and graduates pose a group photo. 

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Xishuangbanna Tropical Botanical Garden, Chinese Academy of Sciences. Menglun, Mengla, Yunnan 666303, China
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