Meeting of CAS Senior International Scientists and Yong Fellows 2011 was held on June 9th in Beijing. More than 70 overseas scientists attended the meeting and shared their collaboration research achievements in China during the past 12 months. Prof. Manuel Lerdau and Prof. Chuck Cannon of XTBG attended the meeting.

Prof. Manuel Lerdau presented a report entitled “Physiological Genomics of Heat Stress in Ficus”, talking about his recent research progress in XTBG.

The CAS launched “CAS Visiting Professorships for Senior International Scientists” program and “CAS Fellowships for Young International Scientists” program in 2009, aiming to lure more foreign talents thus enhance its science and technology innovation capacity.
Prof. Manuel Lerdau and Prof. Chuck Cannon were selected into the “CAS Visiting Professorships for Senior International Scientists” program last year.