Dr. Yann Surget-Groba and Dr. Mareike Roeder have been recently awarded the CAS Fellowship for Young International Scientists.
Dr. Yann Surget-Groba, currently a postdoctoral researcher at the University of California, Santa Cruz, will join theEcological Evolution Group of XTBG in March, 2012. He will be assisting the group to develop lab-based and bioinformatic techniques to study the genomic evolution and diversification of two model groups for the study of tropical rainforests, the stone oaks (Lithocarpus) and the figs (Ficus).

Dr. Mareike Roeder got her Ph.D degree from University of Göttingen, Germany. Her Ph.D project was studying seed- and seedling ecology of common liana species in areas of different disturbance in the terra firme forest in Central Amazon, Brazil. She will cooperate with Prof. Ferry Slik's Lab to conduct studies.