More than 2000 plant scientists from 73 nations met at the 18th International Botanical Congress 2011 during July 23-30 in Melbourne, Australia. Several faculty and students from XTBG attended the meeting.
Dr. Chuck Cannon and Dr. Ferry Slik presented in a special symposium on “Historical biogeography of Malaysia and its effects on current patterns of plant diversity”.
Some XTBG scientists submitted academic papers or made reports . Here are examples of paper titles:
Stomatal density of Quercus pannosa change over altitudinal gradient in Himalayas; Hydraulic properties and photosynthesis in six deciduous and six evergreen tree species in a tropical limestone forest in southern Yunnan, China; Long-term phenology of the conserved dipterocarps and implications for conservation; The reproductive biology of two Himalayan alpine gingers (Roscoea spp., Zingiberaceae) in China: pollination syndrome and compensatory floral mechanisms; Glacial soils on exposed Sunda Shelf shapedbiogeographic patterns in Southeast Asia's equatorial forests; Leaf and stem structural traits of Patagonian shrubs impact more freezing resistance and plant water relations than habitat characteristics; Functional implications of staminal lever mechanismin Salvia cyclostegia (Lamiaceae).

Prof. Zhou Zhekun making report

Dr. Zhang Zhiqiang making report
The International Botanical Congress is held every six years with the last conference in Vienna in 2005. According to the Resolutions of the IBC 2011, the 19th International Botanical Congress is to be held in Shenzhen, Guangdong province, China on July 23-29, 2017.