A 24-person delegation of ambassadors (or representatives) of 16 Arab countries and the Arab League visited Xishuangbanna Tropical Botanical Garden (XTBG) on October 11. The delegation was headed by H.E. Mr. Mirghani Mohamed Salih, ambassador of the Republic of Sudan to China. Chinese vice Foreign Minister ZHAI Jun accompanied the delegation.
The ambassadors visit the Flower Garden
Dr. Zhou Zhekun, deputy director of XTBG, briefed the development of XTBG on scientific research, plant species conservation, science popularization, and international cooperation to the guests.

Knowing that XTBG has kept friendship and cooperation ties with Arab countries, the visiting ambassadors said that the visit will enhance mutual understanding and friendship, and further strengthen exchanges.
XTBG started recruiting students from Arab countries in 2004. In the year of 2004, a Ph.D candidate named Nabil Elsheery from Egypt came to conduct his doctoral studies in XTBG,under the supervision of Prof. Cao Kunfang. After getting his Ph.D degree, Dr. Nabil Elsheery furthered his research in a CAS institute in Shanghai. Another student from Egypt has also completed her studies and got Ph.D degree from XTBG.
The tour of the diplomatic delegation was aimed at seeing the development of Yunnan, at the invitation of Chinese Foreign Ministry.