A 20-person delegation of diplomatic of central and eastern European countries visited XTBG on November 29. The delegation was headed by His Excellency Georgi Peychinov, ambassador of Bulgaria to China.
Dr. Li Qingjun, deputy director of XTBG, met with the diplomatic envoys. He said that some research institutions have been keeping cooperation ties with XTBG and hoped more cooperation could be promoted.
Dr. Li Qingjun briefed the guests on XTBG’s progress in scientific research, species conservation, ecotourism, and international cooperation. He also expressed the willingness to work with more research institutions in central and eastern European countries to promote deeper and more sustainable cooperation in areas of mutual interest.
The diplomatic envoys visited the living collections and tropical rainforest within XTBG.
It is told that the delegation consists of ambassadors of Bulgaria, Croatia, Montenegro, Romania, Slovenia, Czech, and Slovakia.

Li Qingjun and Ambassador of Romania (Left), Li Qingjun and Ambassador of Slovenia