Prof. Jerry Baskin and Prof. Carol Baskin from the University of Kentucky paid another visit to XTBG during June 4-11. The visit was at the invitation of Prof. Cao Min.
In the company of Dr. Cao Min, Professors Baskin made a field visit to the experiment plot for vegetation restoration of abandoned lands. They were briefed progress in the vegetation restoration experiment.
During their stay at XTBG, professors Baskin delivered a lecture entitled “The kinds of seed dormancy: an overview of their ecology, taxonomic occurrence and phylogeny”.
Prof. Jerry Baskin and Prof. Carol Baskin also made a field visit to the 20-ha plot. They showed interest in the undergoing studies on seed rain and dynamics monitoring of seedlings in the forest.
Prof. Jerry Baskin is an adjunct professor of XTBG. He and his wife have been keeping good cooperation ties with XTBG for many years.

At the 20-ha plot