Mr. Petipong Pungbun Na Ayudhya, President of Biodiversity-Based Economy Development Office (BEDO), Thailand, headed up a 9-person delegation to XTBG on July 26.
The delegation as warmly welcomed by Dr. Chen Jin, director of XTBG.
The two sides briefly introduced their organization respectively. Afterwards, they exchanged ideas on such topics of common concern as utilization and conservation of biodiversity resources, digital botanical garden, conservation of rare and endangered plant species, capacity building, and exchange of visits, etc. They also discussed cooperation potentials between the two sides.

Exchanging ideas

Group photo of the two sides (Front: Mr. Petipong Pungbun Na Ayudhya (left)and Dr. Chen Jin)
The BEDO delegation visited the living collections, research facilities and Tropical Rainforest Ethnic Culture Museum.
The Biodiversity-Based Economy Development Office (BEDO) was founded in July, 2007. Its major objectives were topromote, support and implement measures for the development of biodiversity-based economy; to promote and support the conservation of biodiversity resources and the traditional knowledge of communities and local communities; to collate information, conduct studies, analyze data and assess needs for the development of biodiversity-based economy in order to make policy recommendations and propose measures to the Cabinet; etc.