The opening ceremony of the Third International “Fascination of Plants Day” popular science activities was held at Xishuangbanna Tropical Botanical Garden (XTBG) on May 16. The event was aimed to popularize knowledge on plant science, to increase the public awareness of how significant are plants to the social, environmental and economic landscape now and into the future.
XTBG hosted a series of popular science lectures and exhibitions on plants. The activities featured topics ranging from plants and life, plants and environment, conservation of rare and endangered species, environmental education, etc.
The Popular Science Forum invited Academician Xu Zhihong, to give keynote speech on plant science. Dr. Xu Zhihong’s speech entitled “Plants that change our life” used a large number of photos, graphs, and examples to profoundly and vividly illustrate the intimate relationship between plants and human beings, the environment, and culture.
At the meeting of “science life”, 120 middle school students communicate with professors face to face. The scientists were Academician Xu Zhihong, vice president Chen Zhangliang of China Association for Science and Technology (CAST), Prof. He Zuhua of Shanghai Institutes for Biological Sciences, director Chen Jin and Prof. Xu Zengfu of XTBG. The students raised questions on the experiences of scientists, conservation of tropical rainforest in Xishuangbanna, safety of genetically modified foods, and possibility of large-scale plantation of soy beans in the south. The scientists and students communicated in a warm and friendly atmosphere.
Afterwards, the scientists showed the middle school students to an exhibition on rare and endangered plants organized by the Chinese Union of Botanic Gardens (CUBG). The students had an understanding on rare and endangered plant species in Xishuangbanna and other places worldwide. They also understood how scientists made efforts to conserve plants. While visiting, scientists answered questions by the students.
The Third International “Fascination of Plants Day” was organized and launched under the umbrella of the European Plant Science Organization (EPSO). The Fascination of Plants Day 2015 official web address (URL) is:
Acadmician Xu Zhihong talks about plants and life

Scientists and students communicate face to face

Prof. Chen Zhangliang shows students around rare plants exhibition

Academician Xu Zhihong shows students around rare plants exhibition

Prof.He Zuhua popularizes plant knowledge to students

Prof. Chen Jin poses a group photo with students after showing them around plant exhibition