Mr. Kyaw Kyaw Lwin, deputy director of Forest Department of Myanmar Ministry of Forestry, headed up a 5-person delegation to XTBG on June 2-6, at the invitation of Prof. Chen Jin. The visit was for further promoting the program of CAS Biodiversity Research Center in Myanmar. Prof. Chen Jin and some other scientists and leaders of XTBG held a meeting with the Myanmar delegation. The two sides had a discussion on cooperation in joint scientific field investigations, development and utilization of medicinal plant resources, training course, decoration of laboratories based in Myanmar, and graduate student cultivation etc. The Myanmar delegation visited the research facilities, living collections, green stone forest, 20-ha forest plot, etc. Afterwards, the delegation left XTBG for Kunming Institute of Botany (KIB) and Kunming Institute of Zoology (KIZ). 
