Dr. Akihiro Nakamura becomes associate editor of Biodiversity and Conservation |
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Dr. Akihiro Nakamura, an associate professor from Xishuangbanna Tropical Botanical garden (XTBG), has been recently invited to sit on editorial board of an international journal named Biodiversity and Conservation. His role is as an associate editor. Biodiversity and Conservation is an international journal that publishes articles on all aspects of biological diversity-its description, analysis and conservation, and its controlled rational use by humankind. The scope of Biodiversity and Conservation is wide and multidisciplinary, and embraces all life-forms. The journal presents research papers, as well as editorials, comments and research notes on biodiversity and conservation, and contributions dealing with the practicalities of conservation management, economic, social and political issues. The journal provides a forum for examining conflicts between sustainable development and human dependence on biodiversity in agriculture, environmental management and biotechnology, and encourages contributions from developing countries to promote broad global perspectives on matters of biodiversity and conservation. Dr. Akihiro Nakamura is with expertise in Ecology. He has published his research in Journal of Biogeography, Austral Ecology, Ecological Management and Restoration, Insect Conservation and Diversity .
