Prof. Bruno David, director of NMNH Paris, the French National Museum of Natural History, paid a visit to Xishuangbanna Tropical Botanical Garden (XTBG) on September 29-30. A Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) was signed between the two sides. According to the MoU, the two sides are to cooperate in studies of tropical ecology, plant taxonomy, phylogenetics, biogeography, biodiversity conservation, interaction of plants and animals, paleoecology. Cooperation also includes joint workshops and seminars, exchanges of plant specimens, visits of scientists, museum development, public education, and horticultural training, etc. As representatives of the two sides, Prof.Chen Jin and Dr. Bruno David signed the MoU. During his stay in XTBG, Prof. Bruno David delivered a lecture entitled “Get involved in the protection of biodiversity”. He talked with related scientists and visited the Paleoecology laboratory, research facilities, and living collections. 
MoU signed between NMNH Paris and XTBG 
At the Paleoecology lab |