An international workshop on response and feedback of forest ecosystem carbon, nitrogen and water cycles to climate change was held at Xishuangbanna Tropical Botanical garden (XTBG) from October 12-15. The meeting brought together about 100 leading Chinese and international ecological scientists from 13 countries and regions.
The workshop aimed to provide a platform for ecologists to exchange the most recent cutting-edge studies and ideas on the functions and responses of forest ecosystems to climate change. It also wanted to establish a new international collaboration network for elucidating the adaption and feedback mechanisms of forest ecosystems to regional and global climate change.
On October 13, Prof. John Grace from University of Edinburgh and prof. Chen Jin of XTBG made opening speeches.
The topics of the workshop included functions and key processes of carbon, nitrogen and water cycles in forest ecosystems; New techniques and methodologies; The response, adaptation and feedback of carbon, nitrogen and water cycles of forest ecosystems to climate change; and modelling and future prediction.
In addition to 9 plenary lectures, there were 21 oral presentations and 19 posters.
On October 15, the participants visited the observation station of C, N and water cycles in tropical rainforest and rubber plantations, and the experiment sites for climate change simulation.

Prof.Chen Jin makes a welcome speech

Plenary speakers at the workshop

Visit observation station of water cycles in tropical rainforest

Participants pose a photo at observation station