21 young Myanmar plant researchers or forest management workers received certificates of completion from Prof. Chen Jin in Naypyitaw on October 21, which marked a successful end of the Tropical Plant Identification and Forest Management Training jointly sponsored by Xishuangbanna Tropical Botanical Garden (XTBG) and Forest Department of Myanmar.
After completing the course, the trainees said that they got their ability improved and had a better understanding on plant identification and would use the knowledge in managing forests in Myanmar. They expressed their gratitude to the Southeast Asia Biodiversity Research Institute (SEABRI) of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) who developed the training course.
At the course, excellent plant taxonomists like CAS academician Hong Deyuan, Prof. Zhu Hua, Prof. Chuck Cannon, Dr. Jin Xiaohua, Mr. Tan Yunhong etc. taught how to identify the key tropical plant species of Dipterocarpaceae, sapindales, Rubiaceae, legumes, Orchidaceae in the field. They also pointed out their identification principles and diagnostic field characteristics.
The teachers introduced the International Code of Nomenclature for Algae, Fungi, and Plants; vegetation types and floristic characteristics in north Myanmar and Yunnan; history and status quo of flora studies in Myanmar; plant specimen making and herbarium management; forest genetic resources conservation and management; etc.
With field guidance, the trainees tried to find diagnostic characteristics of plant species and identify them out. They know better on how to observe and accurately describe a plant, and take samples and / or photos, so that it can be positively identified later.
During the sidelines of the training, Prof. Chen Jin, director of XTBG and SEABRI, together with academician Hong Deyuan, had a meeting with Dr. .Nyi Nyi Kyaw, director of Forest Department of Myanmar Ministry of Forestry. The two sides talked about achievements and current problems.
Since Myanmar is rich in biological resources, it’s urgent compile Flora of Myanmar. Academician Hong Deyuan recommended a checklist of plants in Myanmar be compiled firstly and then joint and intense efforts may be put into the compiling of flora of Myanmar.
At the completion ceremony, Prof. Chen Jin congratulated the trainees and encouraged them to cooperate and contribute to regional biodiversity conservation. He also encouraged them to pursue master or doctoral degrees in XTBG and other CAS institutes.
Teachers at the training course

Trainees raise questions

A teacher introduces to diagnose plants in the field

A teacher introduces to diagnose plants in the field

Teachers and trainees pose a photo

Academician Hong Deyuan, Prof. Chen Jin talk with Myanmar official

Trainees have a test on specimen identificati

Academician Hong Deyuan, Prof. Chen Jin and Prof. Chuck Cannon award certificates to trainees

Teachers and trainees pose a photo
Tropical Plant Identification and Forest Management Training opened in Myanmar