Researchers from Xishuangbanna Tropical Botanical Garden (XTBG) paid a visit to Maejo University in Thailand from June 7-10. The visit was mainly for joint studies at the 15-ha Doi Inthanon forest dynamics plot.
Dr. Sri Ngernyuang, Kriangsak, one of the principal investigators of the Doi Inthanon forest dynamics plot, gave a general introduction to the plot. He also discussed cooperation with XTBG researchers.
Dr. Lin Luxiang of XTBG introduced the progress of forest plot belt located at the east longitude100 degrees (i.e. for the purpose of setting up a platform foe integrative biodiversity monitoring and studies).
The two sides had a field investigation at the 15-ha forest plot and its neighboring forest vegetation. They have reached a primary concern on how to conduct cooperation.
During their stay in Thailand, XTBG researchers also discussed cooperation on metabarcoding of tree species in forests of northern Thailand with Dr. Maslin Osathanunkul of Chiang Mai University.
The 11 XTBG researchers included Profs. Liu Wenyao, Yang Xiaodong, Lin Luxiang, Dr. Li Qiaoming and others.

XTBG researchers and their partners of the Doi Inthanon plot

XTBG researchers at the 15-ha Doi Inthanon forest dynamics plot

XTBG researchers at the Doi Inthanon Field Laboratory