The Sino-French International Research Network on Biodiversity held its first academic symposium in November. As an important part of the network, a group of scientist from Xishuangbanna Tropical Botanical Garden (XTBG) participated in the symposium. Prof. Chen Jin headed up XTBG researchers to communicate with over 50 scientists from France and China.
President Hou Jianguo of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) sent a congratulatory letter (read by Ms WU Yan of CAS Bureau of International Cooperation) to the meeting. Francis-André Wollman, Vice President of the French Academy of Sciences, and Stéphane Blanc, Director of the Ecology and Environment Research Department of the French National Centre for Scientific Research (CNRS), attended and delivered speeches. Staff from the Chinese Embassy in France and the Consulate General in Strasbourg also participated in the meeting.
With “Biodiversity, global change, and ecological health” as the theme, the scientists shared the latest research developments around such topics as biological interactions and global change, biodiversity dynamics and global change, chemical diversity and ecosystem service functions, and ecological health.
Profs. Chen Jin, Zhang Ling, and KyleTomlinson presented “Enhancing the effectiveness of summer schools: insights gained from AFEC-X”, “Extensive loss of interaction links between generalist mistletoes and their host plants over past 40 years: a novel perspective for plant conservation” and “Disturbance and diversity in open ecosystems” respectively.
Prof. Lin Luxiang, together with Jerome Chave from French Academy of Sciences, presented “The change of aboveground biomass and its drivers in subtropical and tropical forests in Yunnna, Southwest China”.
Prof. Peng Yanqiong, together with Prof. Finn Kjellberg from CNRS, talked about “The change of aboveground biomass and its drivers in subtropical and tropical forests in Yunnna, Southwest China”and “Biodiversity associated with figs and the multi-trophic level interactions”.
Afterwards, the participants visited several scientific research institutions and platforms. They discussed and planned the next steps in cooperation priorities, directions, and work schedules.
By sharing the development vision of the Sino-French biodiversity international research network, a solid foundation has been laid for future systematic cooperation in the fields of biodiversity and ecological health against the backdrop of global climate change.
The Sino-French International Research Network on Biodiversity, led by CAS, aims to provide a broader platform for scientists from both countries to exchange ideas, further promote interdisciplinary integration and exchanges among young Chinese and French scientific researchers, and help produce first-class academic thoughts.

Participants at 1st Symposium of Sino-French International Research Network on Biodiversity

Participants hold discussion.

XTBG scientists visit ECOTRON in France.