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Int’l Cooperation News
The second biodiversity investigation in northern Lao PDR completed 18-11-01
MoU Signed between XTBG and Hirosaki University 18-10-30
CAS and Lao PDR further cooperation in biodiversity research 18-10-22
Advanced Field Course in Ecology and Conservation-Xishuangbanna 2018 opens 18-10-18
SEABRI helps to equip Myanmar researchers with better understanding of plant identification 18-09-26
SEARBRI continues training researchers on tropical plant identification in Myanmar 18-09-19
XTBG hosts international workshop on paleoenvironmental reconstruction 18-09-11
XTBG researchers present at 4th International Southeast Asian Bat Conference 18-08-23
SEABRI conducts filed expedition in western Myanmar 18-08-03
7th China–Myanmar joint field expedition completed 18-06-29
MoU signed between XTBG and University of Phayao 18-06-22
XTBG promotes cooperation at Doi Inthanon forest dynamics plot 18-06-12
XTBG attends 12th China-Lao Transboundary Annual Meeting 18-05-28
XTBG researchers present at General Assembly 2018 of the European Geosciences Union 18-04-27
XTBG researchers complete field expedition in northern Lao PDR 18-04-27
XTBG researchers complete field expedition in northern Lao PDR 18-04-18
The 4th Xishuangbanna International Symposium - Saving All the Plants in a Changing World 18-04-16
Alice C. Hughes gives the opening plenary at the European Tropical Ecology Conference 18-04-10
Functional trait–demographic relationships are weak 18-04-04
Species 2000 Global Team meet at Xishuangbanna Tropical Botanical Garden 18-03-26
Scientists from China and Myanmar meet to discuss biodiversity conservation 18-02-02
A glimpse in the flora of Southeast Asia puts a spotlight on its conservation 18-02-01
SEABRI reports on plant diversity in Southeast Asia 18-01-31
XTBG forges partnership with Discover Life in America 18-01-16
6th China–Myanmar joint field expeditions completed 17-12-27
SEABRI reports on biological surveys in Southeast Asia 17-12-15
Japanese Fern Expert Dr. Kiyotaka Hori visits XTBG 17-12-13
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Xishuangbanna Tropical Botanical Garden, Chinese Academy of Sciences. Menglun, Mengla, Yunnan 666303, China
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