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PFS-Tropical Asia
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Research Progress
Host size and epiphyte richness distribution: underlying factors in forming stable networks 24-08-26
Study identifies genes involved in tuber oil accumulation in Cyperus esculentus 24-08-21
Extreme drought reduces litterfall production in subtropical forest 24-08-13
Light reduction and watering identified as manageable factors for ecosystem restoration 24-08-09
Conspecific negative density dependence is highly variable among different species and over time 24-08-02
Biomass allocation and soil fertility play crucial role in determining seedling demographic trade... 24-07-31
Phylogeny is vital to study tree growth response to changing climate 24-09-03
Heterogeneous occurrence of evergreen broad-leaved forests revealed by plant fossils East Asia 24-08-22
RAD-seq data of Engelhardia roxburghiana provide insights into the palaeogeography of Hainan Island 24-08-07
DNA barcoding: reliable tool for recording fern and lycophyte species occurring in protected areas 24-08-05
Why is floral fragrance of Cananga odorata so special? 24-07-24
Extreme drought events have negative impacts on tropical forests 24-07-17
Long-term rubber cultivation profoundly affects surface and subsurface soil properties 24-07-15
Human-tiger interactions in Chinese history 24-07-10
Study provides new insights into crucial role of QUA QUINE STARCH in promoting pollen development 24-07-09
Impact of clonal fragmentation on clonal fern Pyrrosia nuda in rubber plantation 24-07-08
Selection processes play dominant role in shaping coexisting assemblages of trees and soil fungi 24-07-05
New tree species found in Xishuangbanna 24-07-03
Phytochemical diversity and herbivory are higher in tropical forests: study 24-06-27
Researchers evaluate impact of warming on soil respiration in different ecosystems 24-07-01
New evaluation framework helps quantify carbon sequestration services supply and demand 24-06-25
Endemic plants adapt to high altitude in Hengduan Mountains by adjusting phenotypic traits 24-06-17
Researchers introduce new method to investigate diurnal variation of leaf stomatal response of tr... 24-06-14
“Two Mountains concept” helps achieve green transformation objectives 24-06-04
Functional gene approach is useful to understand microbe-plant interactions in natural ecosystems 24-05-31
Offspring care prolongs lifespan of mother spiders 24-05-29
Variation of functional traits in Parashorea chinensis leaves along different tree height vertica... 24-05-27
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Xishuangbanna Tropical Botanical Garden, Chinese Academy of Sciences. Menglun, Mengla, Yunnan 666303, China
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