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PFS-Tropical Asia
   Location: Home > Research > Research Progress
Research Progress
Interaction between alpine ginger and tabanid fly leads to local adaptation 16-04-29
Conservation lags in growth of corresponding authorship from tropical countries 16-04-26
Botanist reveals origin of Hainan Island 16-04-25
Incorporate existing knowledge to understand mechanism of drought responses of tropical forests 16-04-22
Nectar and scent secretion patterns reflect floral color change rhythm in Q. Indica 16-04-18
Sympatric and closely related figs share pollinators 16-04-14
Clonal epiphytes possibly adapt to forest canopies by resource sharing 16-04-05
Asian honey bees use vibrational “stop signals” when attacked by large Asian hornets 16-03-28
bHLH34 and bHLH104 Regulate Iron Homeostasis 16-03-17
Conspecific negative density dependence and habitat filtering simultaneously influence seedling s... 16-03-14
Chinese scientists find Jurassic herbaceous angiosperm plant fossil 16-03-08
Olfactory learning of honey bees under predation risk 16-03-07
Anther crest of ginger important on manipulating pollinator's behavior 16-03-04
How soil warming affects heterotrophic respiration in Ailaoshan subtropical forest 16-03-02
Arabidopsis WRKY57 transcription factor confers drought tolerance to transgenic rice plants 16-03-01
Cleisostoma linearilobatum most abundant in both ‘holy hills’ and traditional tea gardens in Xi... 16-02-29
Polyploidy Jatropha curcas plants obtained by treating seedlings with colchicine 16-02-29
Criteria to design efficient sgRNAs instituted 16-02-23
Soil pH and phosphorous availability affect tree diversity in tropical seasonal rainforest of Xis... 16-02-15
Rock outcrops play positive hydrological role in redistributing water to nearby soil patches 16-02-16
How organic matter decomposition responds to labile C and N inputs 16-02-02
Synthesis of Superparamagnetic Acid-Base Bifunctional ZrFeOx Nanocatalyst for Biomass Conversion 16-02-01
Converting biomass derivatives into biofuel component γ-valerolactone (GVL) with magnetic NiZr ... 16-01-28
Late embryogenesis abundant genes (LEA) enhance tolerance to salt and heat stresses on pines 16-01-26
New US Patent Issued for ‘Fast Hydrolysis’ of Biomass without Catalyst 16-01-25
Interplanting legume plants facilitates water utilization of rubber trees in Xishuangbanna 16-01-20
A new fossil species of Celastrus found in SW Yunnan 16-01-15
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Xishuangbanna Tropical Botanical Garden, Chinese Academy of Sciences. Menglun, Mengla, Yunnan 666303, China
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